OAEA Membership
Join us!
Why become a member of OAEA?
As an art educator and advocate, OAEA is your professional organization. By joining, you will receive all member benefits of both OAEA and National Art Education Association.
Our organization is as strong as its active membership. Please consider joining and working to strengthen the profession of art education throughout the state of Oregon and the rest of the nation.
Please read before continuing:
Membership in the OAEA is handled with through the NAEA. When you click ‘Join Online!’ you will be brought to the National Art Education Association website where you will sign up to be a member of the NAEA and OAEA - two for one!
Fill in the county where you teach/work and the name of the school (if you are a classroom teacher). It is not required information but it enables our county representatives to keep you connected with the OAEA.
Choose the membership that’s right for you:
For art teachers, directors of art education programs, or those engaged in pursuits closely related to the field. Affords you all of the benefits of membership.
For school personnel not actively engaged in the teaching of art and for all those interested in art education. Provides most benefits, except the right to vote, and hold national office.
For retirees who have been a member of NAEA for a minimum of 5 years AND are no longer employed as an art educator. Affords you all of the benefits of membership.
For recent graduates entering their first year of teaching art. Valid for one year only. Affords you all of the benefits of membership, except the right to hold national office.
For undergraduate and full-time graduate students pursuing certification/licensure as a visual arts educator AND who are not currently employed as a visual arts educator. Affords you all of the benefits of membership except the right to hold national office.
For institutions or departments involved with art education. 1 individual is appointed the designated contact and will receive all of the benefits of membership, except the right to vote and hold office. Includes a complimentary subscription to Studies in Art Education, one pre-paid national convention registration, and eligibility for NAHS sponsorship where appropriate.